var disqus_config = function() { this.page.title = "Doctor Don't Flirt with Me Episode 25 - ChinaQ"; this.page.url = "https://cupfoxapp.tv/play/20680-1-25"; this.page.identifier = "vod_20680_25"; }; (function() { var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = 'https://chinaq-1.disqus.com/embed.js'; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })();
  结城梨斗(渡边明乃 配音)正派开朗,细心友善。一直以来,梨斗都暗恋着青梅竹马西连寺春菜(矢作纱友里 配音),可是,对于恋爱一窍不通的梨斗只是将这份强烈的感情深深的埋藏在心底。终于,梨斗再也无法压抑心中对于春菜的爱意了,再三地鼓起勇气,他决定向春菜表白。  一次偶然中,一位名叫菈菈(户松遥 配音)的女孩从天而降出现在了梨斗的面前,在阴差阳错之间,菈菈竟然成为了梨斗的告白对象,就这样,梨斗和自称是外星公主的菈菈开始了同居生活。也就是从这时开始,杀手暗影(福圆美里 配音)、菈菈的妹妹娜娜(伊藤加奈惠 配音)和梦梦(丰崎爱生 配音)等人接二连三的来到了梨斗的身边。
Daily Comprehensive
Bing 更新: 2024-05-26 20:03:52
var disqus_config = function() { this.page.title = "Doctor Don't Flirt with Me Episode 25 - ChinaQ"; this.page.url = "https://cupfoxapp.tv/play/20680-1-25"; this.page.identifier = "vod_20680_25"; }; (function() { var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = 'https://chinaq-1.disqus.com/embed.js'; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })();
  结城梨斗(渡边明乃 配音)正派开朗,细心友善。一直以来,梨斗都暗恋着青梅竹马西连寺春菜(矢作纱友里 配音),可是,对于恋爱一窍不通的梨斗只是将这份强烈的感情深深的埋藏在心底。终于,梨斗再也无法压抑心中对于春菜的爱意了,再三地鼓起勇气,他决定向春菜表白。  一次偶然中,一位名叫菈菈(户松遥 配音)的女孩从天而降出现在了梨斗的面前,在阴差阳错之间,菈菈竟然成为了梨斗的告白对象,就这样,梨斗和自称是外星公主的菈菈开始了同居生活。也就是从这时开始,杀手暗影(福圆美里 配音)、菈菈的妹妹娜娜(伊藤加奈惠 配音)和梦梦(丰崎爱生 配音)等人接二连三的来到了梨斗的身边。
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Don't tease me Episode 25 Watch online
Doctor Don't Tease Me Episode 25 Watch Online - Cupfox

Don't tease me with the divine doctorDetails: Tang Qizi, the daughter of a medical family, accidentally rescued Tang Qinjian, the Tang Dynasty divine doctor trapped in the painting, because the ancestral bracelet he wore since childhood was connected to his jade pendant, and the two were trapped within a zhang. Tang Qizi and Tang Qinjian have since started an intimate cohabitation life. In the process of trying to adapt to modern life, Tang Qinjian also taught by practice

Doctor Don't Tease Me Episode 25 Watch Online - Cupfox
Han Zong

Unthinkable: Monsters has been updated to 15 episodes

Han Zong

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导演: 加户誉夫,大槻敦史,高桥秀弥,榎本明广,长泽刚,上田茂,土屋康郎,白石道太,日下直义,御厨恭辅,松本正幸
主演: 渡边明乃,户松遥,柚木凉香,千叶千惠巳,桥本舞,水桥香织,绪方贤一,城雅子,福圆美里,矢作纱友里,新井里美,子安武人,花泽香菜,川澄绫子,名冢佳织,大浦冬华,吉野裕行

  结城梨斗(渡边明乃 配音)正派开朗,细心友善。一直以来,梨斗都暗恋着青梅竹马西连寺春菜(矢作纱友里 配音),可是,对于恋爱一窍不通的梨斗只是将这份强烈的感情深深的埋藏在心底。终于,梨斗再也无法压抑心中对于春菜的爱意了,再三地鼓起勇气,他决定向春菜表白。  一次偶然中,一位名叫菈菈(户松遥 配音)的女孩从天而降出现在了梨斗的面前,在阴差阳错之间,菈菈竟然成为了梨斗的告白对象,就这样,梨斗和自称是外星公主的菈菈开始了同居生活。也就是从这时开始,杀手暗影(福圆美里 配音)、菈菈的妹妹娜娜(伊藤加奈惠 配音)和梦梦(丰崎爱生 配音)等人接二连三的来到了梨斗的身边。

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