Through a dreamlike event, Nithra travels back to the time of Rama III and becomes Boonta, the number one mistress of the Mae Faeng House. However, this is real life and Nithra must save herself from being forced into sex work while coping with a strange time. At the same time, she is somehow involved in a murder case and is related to Luang Thukkharat (aka Chai), who works in the police department.
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Apple TV renews "Tehran" for a third season, Hugh Laurie joins.
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The unpardonable sin
Country love
亲子小故事是用一些热门的小玩具玩偶作为角色扮演,配合我们自己原创的小故事,用视频的形式讲给小朋友们看到并学习一些做人的道理,学习一些礼仪的知识,帮助小朋友们的成长。亲子小玩具的分享主要是一些好玩的过家家小玩具,新奇的桌面小玩具,热门的动漫周边小玩具的分享,给小朋友们介绍小玩具的玩法,做一些亲子小互动什么的。亲子小手工里包括了彩泥,橡皮泥手工,折纸,女孩串珠。熊大和佩奇一起做披萨饼彩泥橡皮泥手工食玩DIY 这一集节目内容就是木东姐姐用彩泥制作披萨饼的过程,教会小朋友们积极动手,做自己喜欢的东西哦。
Tehran Season 3