An unscripted improvisational reality show produced by Mango TV. The program invited Zhang Songwen, an outstanding actor who has been rooted in the actor industry for 20 years, to live in the same courtyard and take care of the garden with all kinds of actors. Everyone improvised life in the garden, talked about the harvest and difficulties, growth and confusion on the road of life, and harvested "answers" and "strength" from the small things in life.
"Hello Saturday" will be broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV every Saturday at 20:10 from January 1, 2022. The program is positive, keeps up with the trend of the times, leads youth culture, and promotes national self-esteem
Hello Saturday
Five-star shine China
Updated to episode 09

The third mediation room, the law, the reasoning, the family. The third mediation room is the first TV program in China with legal effect to resolve conflicts and resolve disputes. There will be people's mediators, lawyers, and psychological experts at the program site to answer questions and sort out thoughts for the parties, so as to prompt the parties to reach mediation. The program was signed on the spot

Updated to episode 09
With the theme of "Generative AI Innovative Applications", this season's "Future China" will focus on AI technology as the core of the exhibition projects and discussions. Invite teams from Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and other professional universities, as well as a large number of top science and technology enterprises, to show the most cutting-edge AI science and technology innovation achievements in China in the project competition.
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2011 综艺
主演: 申永一,郑仁英,刘相务,李国主

《Comedy Big League》是韩国tvN电视台推出的一档大型喜剧真人秀综艺节目。


A starry boy