Fireworks in the world
Meng Yuhuai, the elder unmarried dart head of both civil and military affairs, accidentally rescued Hua Wheat, a girl who came to Huodao Village to join her sister, in the forest where she returned to the village. At that time, Hua Wheat was in danger for the rare orange cover Amanita and almost fell off the cliff, but fortunately Meng Yuhuai flew to the rescue, and between the two of them, Hua Wheat secretly promised. When you meet a good man, you have to pursue it decisively, Hua Wheat is eager to try, but Meng Yuhuai is a stupid straight man who doesn't understand the amorous feelings, and her impression of Hua Wheat is only a thin girl with amazing cooking skills. However, in the subsequent relationship, Hua Mai exuded a domineering spirit of "the best in the world in cooking" every time she put on an apron and stood in front of the stove, coupled with her eccentricity, dare to love and hate, Meng Yuhuai soon realized that she couldn't escape from Hua Mai's palm, she was the person she had been waiting for. Success in love does not stop the pursuit of Hua Mai's cooking skills, and using any ingredient to make delicious food for the right person to eat, this is her life ideal. From roadside stalls to small restaurants, from candied fruits to pickle gardens, and then to the famous Huajian Building, the food is constantly upgraded, and the flower wheat also brings more people the happiness and joy of food. In this process, Hua Wheat also gradually realized that gold and silver fame and fortune are not enemies, cooking fish and shrimp in the morning, cooking rice in the evening, and staying with the people they love is the taste of life.
Fireworks in the world
Brief introduction
2020 Love, Costume, Comedy, Domestic Update: 2024-05-24 14:59:17
Meng Yuhuai, the elder unmarried dart head of both civil and military affairs, accidentally rescued Hua Wheat, a girl who came to Huodao Village to join her sister, in the forest where she returned to the village. At that time, Hua Wheat was in danger for the rare orange cover Amanita and almost fell off the cliff, but fortunately Meng Yuhuai flew to the rescue, and between the two of them, Hua Wheat secretly promised. When you meet a good man, you have to pursue it decisively, Hua Wheat is eager to try, but Meng Yuhuai is a stupid straight man who doesn't understand the amorous feelings, and her impression of Hua Wheat is only a thin girl with amazing cooking skills. However, in the subsequent relationship, Hua Mai exuded a domineering spirit of "the best in the world in cooking" every time she put on an apron and stood in front of the stove, coupled with her eccentricity, dare to love and hate, Meng Yuhuai soon realized that she couldn't escape from Hua Mai's palm, she was the person she had been waiting for. Success in love does not stop the pursuit of Hua Mai's cooking skills, and using any ingredient to make delicious food for the right person to eat, this is her life ideal. From roadside stalls to small restaurants, from candied fruits to pickle gardens, and then to the famous Huajian Building, the food is constantly upgraded, and the flower wheat also brings more people the happiness and joy of food. In this process, Hua Wheat also gradually realized that gold and silver fame and fortune are not enemies, cooking fish and shrimp in the morning, cooking rice in the evening, and staying with the people they love is the taste of life.
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Chongqing meets love
Brief introduction
2020 Love, Costume, Comedy, Domestic
Director: Li Xiaojiang
Starring: Tang Min, Yang Kaicheng, Siqin Gaoli, Liu Xiaohong, Li Xiaohong, Liu Jingyi, Sun Yi, Liang Jingyue, Wang Wei, Lu Qianwen, Liang Ce, Xu Yan, Yang Zhiwen, Liu Yukun, Tang Ziyue

Meng Yuhuai, the elder unmarried dart head of both civil and military affairs, accidentally rescued Hua Wheat, a girl who came to Huodao Village to join her sister, in the forest where she returned to the village. At that time, Hua Wheat was in danger for the rare orange cover Amanita and almost fell off the cliff, but fortunately Meng Yuhuai flew to the rescue, and between the two of them, Hua Wheat secretly promised. When you meet a good man, you have to pursue it decisively, Hua Wheat is eager to try, but Meng Yuhuai is a stupid straight man who doesn't understand the amorous feelings, and her impression of Hua Wheat is only a thin girl with amazing cooking skills. However, in the subsequent relationship, Hua Mai exuded a domineering spirit of "the best in the world in cooking" every time she put on an apron and stood in front of the stove, coupled with her eccentricity, dare to love and hate, Meng Yuhuai soon realized that she couldn't escape from Hua Mai's palm, she was the person she had been waiting for. Success in love does not stop the pursuit of Hua Mai's cooking skills, and using any ingredient to make delicious food for the right person to eat, this is her life ideal. From roadside stalls to small restaurants, from candied fruits to pickle gardens, and then to the famous Huajian Building, the food is constantly upgraded, and the flower wheat also brings more people the happiness and joy of food. In this process, Hua Wheat also gradually realized that gold and silver fame and fortune are not enemies, cooking fish and shrimp in the morning, cooking rice in the evening, and staying with the people they love is the taste of life.

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