"The Amazing Race" originated from the classic American reality TV show "The Amazing Race", and the Chinese version of "The Amazing Race" for the first time uses a mix and match lineup of entertainers and crossover stars, and the second season of "The Amazing Race" will be broadcast every Friday at 21:10 from July 10, 2015. The guest lineup to join the second season of the show is: Zeng Zhiwei, Zeng Baoyi, Miriam Yang, Ding Zigao, Han Geng, Wu Xin, Deng Ziqi, Zhang Yunjing, Chopsticks Brothers, Feng Zhe, Zhu Zhu.
"The Amazing Race" originated from the classic American reality TV show "The Amazing Race", and the Chinese version of "The Amazing Race" for the first time uses a mix and match lineup of entertainers and crossover stars, and the second season of "The Amazing Race" will be broadcast every Friday at 21:10 from July 10, 2015. The guest lineup to join the second season of the show is: Zeng Zhiwei, Zeng Baoyi, Miriam Yang, Ding Zigao, Han Geng, Wu Xin, Deng Ziqi, Zhang Yunjing, Chopsticks Brothers, Feng Zhe, Zhu Zhu.
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