Courtship daredevils
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"Anyone? There is a ......" A mysterious message from Gao Haojun came from a height of 10,000 meters. A five-star A380 ultra-luxury passenger plane was hijacked on the way to its maiden international flight, international security expert Gao Haojun stepped forward to deal with a group of thugs, his daughter Xiaojun was trapped in the cabin, the leader of the robbers Mike threatened the lives of more than 800 people on the plane as a bargaining chip, and Xiaojun's mother Fu Yuan was also in danger...... Will the passengers on the plane be able to land safely, and how can this crisis be resolved?
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The big-headed son and the small-headed father were accidentally popped up when they experienced the new product "Mini Paradise" invented by the "ancestral villain" Dr. Wang, and returned to the real world in a mini state! The father and son "encountered" a group of magical "companions" in the wild, thrilling, hiding, chasing, and rescuing...... Good partners don't know each other, and the Blitzkrieg Command assembles to start a thrilling adventure against a common enemy! What kind of crisis will they encounter? What kind of conspiracy is hidden behind this? Will they succeed in defeating evil? Will this fantasy adventure change the relationship between the big-headed son and the small-headed father?

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