"Classic Legend" is a historical and humanistic story program launched by Jiangxi Satellite TV in 2010. Inherit the humanized narration of "Legendary Story", while striving for new breakthroughs. The content has the fresh style of "Legendary Story" "plus" American "Exploration" documentary. The biggest highlight of the program is the "upgrade" of the topic selection, which focuses on major historical issues, figures of the times, touching political and military struggles, and bizarre events. In addition, on the basis of "legendary", the topic selection also has the distinctive characteristics of "classic", "hot spot" and "stage popularity", and has historical reliability.
"Classic Legend" is a historical and humanistic story program launched by Jiangxi Satellite TV in 2010. Inherit the humanized narration of "Legendary Story", while striving for new breakthroughs. The content has the fresh style of "Legendary Story" "plus" American "Exploration" documentary. The biggest highlight of the program is the "upgrade" of the topic selection, which focuses on major historical issues, figures of the times, touching political and military struggles, and bizarre events. In addition, on the basis of "legendary", the topic selection also has the distinctive characteristics of "classic", "hot spot" and "stage popularity", and has historical reliability.
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