"House of Cards Season 5" (House of Cards Season 5) is a political TV series produced by Netflix, is the fifth season of the American TV series "House of Cards", directed by Eric Sakharov, starring Kevin Spacey, Robin White, Michael Kelly, Neve Campbell, etc.
House of Cards Season 5
Brief introduction
2017 Drama, United States, ContinuousUpdate:
2024-09-01 19:49:18
"House of Cards Season 5" (House of Cards Season 5) is a political TV series produced by Netflix, is the fifth season of the American TV series "House of Cards", directed by Eric Sakharov, starring Kevin Spacey, Robin White, Michael Kelly, Neve Campbell, etc.
Starring: Kevin Spacey, Robin White, Michael Kelly, Paul Sparks, Derek Cecil, Neve Campbell, Joel Kinnerman, Finn Douglas, Dominique McElliggott, Polis McGoaway, Corey Jackson, Colum Feiorey, Damian Young, Larry Pine, Andrew Polk, Jenny Atkinson, James Martinez, Patricia Clarkson
Brief introduction
"House of Cards Season 5" (House of Cards Season 5) is a political TV series produced by Netflix, is the fifth season of the American TV series "House of Cards", directed by Eric Sakharov, starring Kevin Spacey, Robin White, Michael Kelly, Neve Campbell, etc.
Directors: Daniel Minahan, Eric Sakharov, Michael Morris, Roxanne Dawson, Agnieska Holland, Robin White
Starring: Kevin Spacey, Robin White, Michael Kelly, Paul Sparks, Derek Cecil, Neve Campbell, Joel Kinnerman, Finn Douglas, Dominique McElliggott, Polis McGoaway, Corey Jackson, Colum Feiorey, Damian Young, Larry Pine, Andrew Polk, Jenny Atkinson, James Martinez, Patricia Clarkson
"House of Cards Season 5" (House of Cards Season 5) is a political TV series produced by Netflix, is the fifth season of the American TV series "House of Cards", directed by Eric Sakharov, starring Kevin Spacey, Robin White, Michael Kelly, Neve Campbell, etc.
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