The second part of the film "Volunteers" trilogy directed by Chen Kaige, "Volunteers: The Battle for Survival", focuses on the Tieyuan Blockade - 25,000 soldiers of the 63rd Army of the Chinese People's Volunteers fought fiercely with nearly 50,000 "United Nations Army" for 12 days and nights, building an unbreakable iron Great Wall on the Tieyuan battlefield. The officers and men of the Volunteer Army fought bloodily and finally brought the enemy to the negotiating table.
第一部:还珠格格之燕儿翩翩飞 混迹市井街头的小燕子,和多才多艺的紫薇,偶然在京城相识相惜,然而命运弄人,假格格小燕子迷糊的进入皇宫成为「还珠格格」,真格格紫薇心碎的进入学士府,两人阴错阳差交换了身分。进宫后的小燕子,发现和自己在街头打过一架的「洋鬼子」,竟是宫廷画师班杰明,小燕子担心...