"Classic Legend" is a historical and humanistic story program launched by Jiangxi Satellite TV in 2010. Inherit the humanized narration of "Legendary Story", while striving for new breakthroughs. The content has the fresh style of "Legendary Story" "plus" American "Exploration" documentary. The biggest highlight of the show is the "upgrade" of the topic selection
"Boys and Girls Rush Forward" is a large-scale outdoor competitive reality show on Anhui Satellite TV, which is different from all similar programs, and specially sets up a men's and women's doubles track, the purpose is to ensure that both male and female players can present different highlights and highlights.
Three couples facing an emotional crisis or divorced embarked on an 18-day trip in two motorhomes. They are in different emotional stages, and they set out with a feeling of complaining, aggrieved, or regretful, through this journey to rethink their marriage and make the final choice of their feelings
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Starring: Hu Yanbin, Guo Caijie, Sun Yi, Huang Zhizhong, Shen Yifei, Qian Zhe, Yi Lijing, Gina Alice, Li Songwei, Chen Meiling, Ai Wei, Su Shiding, Lu Ge, Zhang Wanting, Song NingfengIssue 20230118
All videos and pictures on this site are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original owner, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in recording and uploading.