Directed by director Lee Jeong-fan and released in 2014, "Crying Man 2014" currently has a total of 1258 hits, Douban score: 6.7 points, and is an action movie starring Jang Dongjian, Kim Min-hee, Brian Tae, Kim Hee-won, Kim Jun-sung, etc. Kun (Jang Dong-kin) is a skilled cold-blooded killer who works for an underworld organization and is trusted by his superiors. However, a reminiscent of the past makes him live in guilt, and he has doubts and wavering about the industry he has been engaged in, and at this time, the organization gives him a very important mission, ordering him to go to South Korea and assassinate a woman named Choi Mukyong (Kim Min-hee). Cui Mujing is a tragic woman who has lost the lives of her husband and children in an accident and the love of her life, a grieving wife and mother who is in despair, relying on alcohol and drugs to survive, and not only that, but also having to care for her mother with Alzheimer's disease. When Kun appeared in front of Cui Mujing, his identity was not just a killer who wanted to take her life, his daughter's death made Cui Mujing's heart full of questions, and the answer was in Kun's hands.
Directed by director Lee Jeong-fan and released in 2014, "Crying Man 2014" currently has a total of 1258 hits, Douban score: 6.7 points, and is an action movie starring Jang Dongjian, Kim Min-hee, Brian Tae, Kim Hee-won, Kim Jun-sung, etc. Kun (Jang Dong-kin) is a skilled cold-blooded killer who works for an underworld organization and is trusted by his superiors. However, a reminiscent of the past makes him live in guilt, and he has doubts and wavering about the industry he has been engaged in, and at this time, the organization gives him a very important mission, ordering him to go to South Korea and assassinate a woman named Choi Mukyong (Kim Min-hee). Cui Mujing is a tragic woman who has lost the lives of her husband and children in an accident and the love of her life, a grieving wife and mother who is in despair, relying on alcohol and drugs to survive, and not only that, but also having to care for her mother with Alzheimer's disease. When Kun appeared in front of Cui Mujing, his identity was not just a killer who wanted to take her life, his daughter's death made Cui Mujing's heart full of questions, and the answer was in Kun's hands.
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