"Boys and Girls Rush Forward" is a large-scale outdoor competitive reality show on Anhui Satellite TV, which is different from all similar programs, and specially sets up a men's and women's doubles track, the purpose is to ensure that both male and female players can present different highlights and highlights.
"Classic Legend" is a historical and humanistic story program launched by Jiangxi Satellite TV in 2010. Inherit the humanized narration of "Legendary Story", while striving for new breakthroughs. The content has the fresh style of "Legendary Story" "plus" American "Exploration" documentary. The biggest highlight of the show is the "upgrade" of the topic selection
A large-scale health and wellness program, each issue invites an authoritative expert, around the hot issues of health preservation, on-site pulse consultation program set to solve health puzzles and popularize scientific knowledge, wholeheartedly serve the people.
"Classic Legend" is a historical and humanistic story program launched by Jiangxi Satellite TV in 2010. Inherit the humanized narration of "Legendary Story", while striving for new breakthroughs. The content has the fresh style of "Legendary Story" "plus" American "Exploration" documentary. The biggest highlight of the show is the "upgrade" of the topic selection
"Classic Legend" is a historical and humanistic story program launched by Jiangxi Satellite TV in 2010. Inherit the humanized narration of "Legendary Story", while striving for new breakthroughs. The content has the fresh style of "Legendary Story" "plus" American "Exploration" documentary. The biggest highlight of the show is the "upgrade" of the topic selection
2014 大陆
更新: 2024-04-30
主演: 小马哥,麻花
"Boys and Girls Rush Forward" is a large-scale outdoor competitive reality show on Anhui Satellite TV, which is different from all similar programs, and specially sets up a men's and women's doubles track, the purpose is to ensure that both male and female players can present different highlights and highlights.1Japanese2There is no record
Issue 2016-06-16
主演: 小马哥,麻花
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